Maximizing User Engagement

Social media and digital marketing are becoming the new norm. With this modernized marketing strategy, many professionals analyze their marketing strategy by the amount of user engagement they consistently receive. The standard belief is that more user engagement equals greater value in the product or service.

What is User Engagement?

User engagement can be defined as the process of users interacting with a brand’s social media platform or website. Engagement is measured by the amount of activities by users, such as followers, likes, views, comments, shares, clicks, or downloads.

How Can User Engagement be Measured?

User engagement is measured over a multitude of platforms and through various activities. Each platform has its own way of analyzing user engagement, allowing you to see the trends consistently through analytics or page-owner tools. 

Followers: Followers are simply the number of people that want to see more content from your practice or professional brand. This is one of the ultimate identifiers on whether you are creating quality and likable content for your audience.

Likes: Likes are how many people press the like button on a post. Many social media platforms allow users to like posts. This is a great way to see how many of your followers enjoy your posts.  

Views: Views account for every time a post is seen. Many people compare their views to the number of likes, allowing them to gauge how many of their followers are active without liking posts. 

Comments: Comments are one of the highest forms of user engagement as it not only gives direct feedback on how a post is perceived but also allows your practice or brand to reply to the user. 

Shares: Shares show that users want others to see your content. This is a form of organic growth, right behind traditional word of mouth. This activity usually needs some form of analytics to view. 

Clicks: Clicks are more website orientated, but they are extremely valuable as they show what users gravitate more towards on your website. Many practices or brands can use clicks to amplify what their users find most interesting. Analytics are used to view clicks as well. 

Downloads: Downloads are mainly website or video-channel-based. Users will find the video appealing enough after watching it once to download it for future reference or insight. This activity requires a google tag or something similar that shows when users click the download button. 

How Can These Activities Be Maximized?

An excellent rule of thumb for maximizing user engagement is to post quality content and post consistently. Users do not want to follow a practice or brand that posts once a month as social media is daily in many people’s lives. 

Another great way to increase engagement is to treat your content as an extension of your practice or brand. Creating content can sometimes be difficult or lengthy, but people enjoy the effort. If people see content that is not creative nor correct, then why trust your practice or brand as a whole. 

One of the most important things to remember when growing engagement is to engage back with users. This means regularly monitoring your platforms and web pages for comments or messages.  

Marketing has moved past the traditional newspaper ads and billboards and into the age of social media. Growing user engagement should be the goal when opting to use digital marketing. As stated above, increased user engagement means a greater value in a product or service. 

If you are interested in growing your practice or brand or need a professional audit of your current social media presence, reach out to us at MOXY Company by clicking here for our online contact form!